Parents Page

 Working together to give your child the best start in life

We welcome and value any input from you, in the way of suggestions, opinions or ideas that you may have to ensure we are meeting the needs of children in our care.

We have an operational plan in place that explains how the Nursery is run and how the resources, staff, premises and equipment are used to meet the needs of the children.

Our policies and procedures are available below and further policies can be found, for you to see at any time, in the parent’s zone within the hall of the nursery. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures, as we do ask you to sign to say that you are aware of them and that you understand we have a legal duty to protect children from harm and, as a result, we may keep written records. If you are unsure or have any questions, please speak to Tracy (Nursery Manager), Carol (Deputy Manager) or Lynsey (Third in Charge)

0151 521 2322.

In order for us to meet the individual needs of you and your child we believe honest, open and, two way relationships are paramount.

Settling In Sessions

Our settling in sessions are flexible and depend on the child's individual needs.

Parents stay for at least the first 2 sessions, as a comfort for the child. As some children need more time and support to feel secure, we can extend these sessions if need be.

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Term Dates

Summer Break

Monday 24th July - Friday 2nd September 2023

Autumn Term

Term Starts - Monday 4th September 20232.

Half term - Monday 30th October- Friday 3rd November

Last Day of Term - Friday 22nd December

Christmas Holiday - is Monday 25th December – Friday 5th January 2024

Spring Term

Term Starts - Monday 8th January

Half Term -  Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February

Last Day of Term - Friday 29th March

Easter Holidays - Monday 1st April – Friday 12th April

Summer Term

Term Starts -  Monday 15th April

Half Term - Monday 27th May – Friday 7th June

Last Day of Term - Friday 21st July


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I settle my child into nursery?

    A settling in period of one or two weeks is usually enough for a child to be settled into nursery, although some children do require longer.

    We recommend that you stay for the first couple of visits. 

    The next time you come to nursery, we suggest leaving your child for just 30 minutes. This helps them understand that, you will not be staying with them when they attend nursery, but you will come back to collect them.

  • How will you manage my child’s behaviour?

    We believe in teaching children about boundaries and appropriate behaviour in a positive way. We speak to children in a calm manner and use positive language when explaining about right and wrong. A comprehensive policy explains our practice in more detail, which can be found in the policy file.

  • When is the nursery closed?

    We are closed for Bank Holidays; these are still payable.

  • How do I pay my nursery fees?

    When you decide that you would like a place, two week’s nursery fees are required to secure the place. This deposit then secures the slot, ready for when your child is due to start with us. Once enrolled, we require nursery fees to be paid one month in advance, to pay for the month ahead in its entirety. For your child’s first month, you are able to use the two week’s deposit funds towards this fee.

    We are unfortunately unable to accept payments made in arrears. You may be given a £10 late fee charge if you continue to make late payments. In exceptional circumstances, other methods of payment may be considered. Continuous late or non-payments of nursery fees may result in the loss of your child’s place.

    The setting accepts payments made via standing order, cash or card payment. 

  • Do I have to pay if my child does not attend or on Holiday?

    Yes, this is because we will have included your child in our numbers and will have staffed for them. You also pay to secure your child’s place at nursery, you do not pay for the individual days they attend.

  • Can my child still attend if they are unwell?

    If your child does not have a contagious condition and is well enough to cope with the nursery day, the can attend.

    If they have been prescribed medication, it should be brought into Nursery in its original container, clearly labelled with your child’s name and date it was prescribed. You will be asked to complete an entry in the medicine file; including the dose and time of medication was last given, the dose and time it is next due. At the end of the session you will be asked to re-sign the medicine form to acknowledge your child had been given it.

    If your child is sent home with a rash, bout of sickness or staff are concerned that they are unwell in any way, you may be asked to collect your child and seek medical advice. Before your child returns we must have confirmation from a Doctor that they are well enough to return i.e. non-contagious (you can ask your doctor for a print-out of their appointment which will have the diagnosis at the bottom).

  • How many children are there to each member of staff? (Ratio)

    OFSTED National Standards minimum ratios are:

    • 1:3 for children under 2 years.

    • 1:4 for children under 3 years.

    • 1:8 for children aged 3-5 years 

    There will always be a minimum of two members of staff on duty.

  • Do I have to provide nappies?

    Yes, you can either bring them in daily or enough for the week. You will also need to provide baby lotion, cream, cotton wool and wipes.

    Do not hesitate to contact the nursery manager or the deputy manager if you have any further questions.

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