Our Play Rooms

Exciting Your Childs Mind

Our Play Rooms

Little Angels Daycare - Newhall

Each playroom is filled with apparatus and resources to excite children’s learning and each room has their own daily routine. 

We aim to support children’s gross and fine motor skills, communication skills, and social and emotional development – through fun-filled, age-appropriate activities!

In the baby room (Buttercups), practitioners encourage lots of ‘tummy time’ – which helps to strengthen the babies’ core muscles. Staff then support the children in reaching their physical milestones (such as crawling, rolling, and walking). There is also a huge focus on communication and language – practitioners work to support children with their listening and attention skills through play and home learning methods. Staff converse with children, using eye contact, modulated voice and appropriate words and sentences for each age range, to support children in understanding and using language. For children whom are delayed in their communication and language development – we have a speech and language therapist who comes into the setting.

Each room has a room leader, and is set into specific areas to develop children’s learning and play.

Our Dedicated Team


Children will have daily access to all of the following;

  • sand and water play
  • stories/songs and music
  • creative activities
  • construction play
  • investigation play
  • play dough
  • maths and writing activities
  • role play

Why is Play Important?

“The right to play is a child’s first claim on the community. Play is nature’s training for life. No community can infringe that right without doing deep and enduring harm to the minds and bodies of its citizens”

David Lloyd George


Purpose-built play areas for your child's growth and education

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